
80+ Ways You Can Cherish Your Child Growing Up… Because They Won’t Be Little Forever

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Mott’s®.

Kids grow up so fast! In the blink of an eye your little baby is half-way towards becoming an adult.

I’m living this reality with my own kids now. My baby just turned 9, less than ten years until he’s 18.

Oh how it hurts to do the math!

This is one of the sad realities of raising kids. Growing up is just a part of living. Losing those baby curls, learning to talk, walk, and drive. Becoming disinterested in toys and hugs at school drop off. These are all things that are going to happen.

Making this precious time when our kids are kids last is really important. Hanging on to every precious memory of our children growing up.

As parents I think it’s good to take a step back and think about how important this time is. We only get it once with our kids, so let’s make an effort to live in the moment and actively do things to cherish this time while our kids are growing up.

Being more present and in the moment with my kids is one of my personal goals right now. So, I’ve put together an amazing list that I want to share with you. I hope you find some ideas on this list that will help you hold on to every minute that your kids are growing up!

Don’t miss the free printable list below.

80+ Ways You Can Cherish Your Child Growing Up

  1. Hold them longer while they sleep
  2. Take lots of photos!
  3. Track their growth on a growth chart – See how you can get a free growth chart for your child below!
  4. Make yearly scrapbooks as they grow
  5. Hold their hand as long as they’ll let you
  6. Always hug & kiss them goodnight
  7. Check on them while they sleep
  8. Read them a bedtime story every day
  9. Learn to style their hair
  10. Color and draw with them
  11. Keep a journal about your kids
  12. Teach them new skills
  13. Make them laugh
  14. Build a tree house with them
  15. Frame yearly school photos
  16. Talk with them at dinner
  17. Learn to love what they love
  18. Comfort them when they cry
  19. Watch them while they play
  20. Plan kids one on one date nights
  21. Play board games with them
  22. Listen to music with them
  23. Get silly together
  24. Let them help you cook
  25. Play instruments together
  26. Go on family vacations
  27. Lay with them until they fall asleep
  28. Listen when they ask questions
  29. Take time to answer their questions
  30. Talk to them about school and friends
  31. Help them solve problems
  32. It’s okay to spoil them sometimes
  33. Surprise them with a kid friendly vacation
  34. Plan regular family picnics
  35. Have family meetings with your kids
  36. Let your kids help plan a movie night
  37. Have no homework/chores days
  38. Tuck them into bed
  39. Have water gun/balloon fights
  40. Let cleaning go for a day of play
  41. Save school crafts and keepsakes
  42. Make a memory box
  43. Write down a list of firsts
  44. Talk about favorite memories together
  45. Make the most of each holiday
  46. Watch your kids bond with their grandparents
  47. Schedule family bonding in your to-do list
  48. Have a family unplugged time
  49. Write them lunch box notes
  50. Have small birthday parties at home
  51. Take a day off work just for your kids
  52. Write down cute and funny things your kids say
  53. Keep family traditions alive
  54. Cherish the time when you can still hold your baby/toddler
  55. Pull them in a wagon
  56. Take spontaneous trips and outings
  57. Have a backyard camp out
  58. Go on a cross country road trip
  59. Take family hikes
  60. Set aside a budget for weekly family fun
  61. Say I love you every day
  62. Have family portraits taken yearly
  63. Do chores together
  64. Plant a family garden
  65. Watch when they try to show you something
  66. Attend all dance recitals, sports games, etc.
  67. Be your child’s biggest cheerleader
  68. Keep a family fun calendar
  69. Go on family drives
  70. Listen when they are sad and happy
  71. Reward each achievement
  72. Parent in a positive loving way
  73. Play toys with your kids
  74. Bake together
  75. Tell each other jokes
  76. Record videos of them playing
  77. Video chat when on business trips
  78. Walk them to school/class
  79. Communicate often
  80. Make crafts together
  81. Be patient daily
  82. Cook special breakfasts/dinners
  83. Try not to blink, it goes by fast!

Feel free to print this list of 80+ Ways You Can Cherish Your Child Growing Up here! 

Get a Free Growth Chart from Mott’s

As I mentioned, one of my goals this year has been to be more present and in the moment with my kids. I don’t want to miss a beat!

My toddler is always learning new tricks and phrases every day. Dedicating time to sit and watch her or play with her is so meaningful to the both of us.

One of the ways we cherish her being little is tracking her growth!We got the cutest growth chart from Mott’s that makes it easy to track her growth and compares her height to different animals. You can get a growth chart too for free!

Here’s how to get your free growth chart:

We love Mott’s because they make it easy for us to give our kids a healthy snack on the go and at home. They’re made with real fruit and are an excellent source of vitamins for kids to grow strong and healthy! I am so excited to share with my readers that Mott’s has partnered with Walmart for this amazing offer to get a free growth chart for you and your kids.  

  1. Purchase $10 worth of Mott’s juice or sauce at your local Walmart. You will find the juice in the juice section and apple sauce in the apple/sauce section!
  2. Register for your growth chart on
  3. Upload receipts on now through 9/15/2017
  4. Once your receipts are verified, a cute Mott’s growth chart will be mailed to your home!

Visit to find out more about this offer! 

How do you cherish your kids growing up? Do you track your child’s growth at home? I would love to hear from you in the comments below! 


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