This post is brought to you by Universal Music Group and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.
Are you struggling with finding a bedtime routine that actually works?
When I was pregnant with baby number 3, one of my biggest fears was how I was going to put my new baby and toddler to bed at the same time.
I already had a pretty established bedtime routine with my 2 year old Juliana and didn’t want to shake that up.
What I learned was, it didn’t need to be shaken up, just adapted to fit her and the new baby too.
We now have a pretty solid bedtime routine that gets everyone to sleep. We even have backups if something isn’t working for some reason.
What I love about our bedtime routine is that it worked before baby with my toddler and now with a newborn.
You can use this routine if you just have a baby or more than one little one to put to sleep.
As a mom it’s so amazing that we have this time to bond with our little ones during bedtime.
I love that feeling that my baby and toddler count on me each night to put them to bed.
You can just feel the bond growing during this quiet time that you spend with them singing and brushing their hair with your fingers.
Bedtime isn’t always easy. So, I love that when it gets tough you can refocus on your beautiful kids and the special bonding time that bedtime brings!
First you need to wind down to quiet time.
Here are some things you can do during your wind down time:
After wind down time we like to sit in bed with our kids. Our 3 year old is co-sleeping with us right now so I’ll sit with her in my bed and hold the baby while she falls asleep.
Our newborn sits with me and breastfeeds or listens quietly while he falls asleep. I always have him swaddled and bathed before we start our sleep routine.
During this time we play quiet music or sing lullabies to our kids.
…and it works they drift off to sleep feeling extra loved and comforted.
Our toddler still loves being sung quietly to sleep or just having quiet music playing.
Music is such a powerful bedtime weapon. It’s so versatile too because you can really sing or play them any quiet music and they will love every minute they get with their mama falling asleep.
In fact studies have shown that singing lullabies to your children strengthens their bond with you. So special!
After my toddler is asleep I lay my newborn in his bassinet and there he sleeps for about 4 hours.
I like to leave some quiet music playing in the background as they drift off to deep sleep.
Hopes & Dreams The Lullaby Project is a beautiful lullaby album to play during quiet time. I love The Lullaby Project because it goes to help pregnant women write their own lullabies for their babies!
The songs on this album were written with love in Carnegie Hall by real moms. It features celebrity singers in every genre from pop to jazz.
Artists on the album include Fiona Apple, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Natalie Merchant, Janice Freeman, and Dianne Reeves.
As I listened to the album for the first time I was really touched by how personal and relatable these songs were. They really made me think about how precious it is having a baby and how strong a mother’s love is.
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When you purchase the album Carnegie Hall donates all proceeds to keep The Lullaby Project going and supporting more mothers!
Since lullabies are such a powerful way to bond with your children. It makes sense that writing a lullaby for your child would make that bond even stronger.
What a great way to create a tradition with a special lullaby that your kids can sing to their children when they get older. In fact some of the songs I sing to my kids at bedtime are songs I remember my mother and grandmother singing to me when I was little.
As part of The Lullaby Project Carnegie Hall has provided some helpful tips for you to write your own lullaby in the video below!
Lullabies are such a huge part of our bedtime routine and have helped me so much with getting my babies to sleep peacefully.
How do lullabies help you with your bedtime routine? What is your favorite song from Hopes & Dreams The Lullaby Project? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
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I wrote a song for my first baby she is so special. I had wishes for her and loved our time bonding together. Singing is good for our soul the words of a song can transport our hearts and minds to beautiful places.