
7 Ways To Immediately Improve Horrible Mom Days

Do you ever have horrible mom days?

I’m sure all moms have to have horrible mom days at least once a month or maybe a few times a year if you are a really lucky mom!

Normally I don’t like to talk about negative things on my blog. But, a few days ago when I was having my horrible day I felt compelled to write this post.

Most of my bad mom days don’t start off that way. I could wake up and be feeling pretty good until one thing puts me over the edge. This is what happened to me on Wednesday when I got a letter in the mail from our homeowners association with a fine of $50 for leaving the trash can out 2 hours after the “deadline” we have of putting it back in the backyard.

To make a long story short I had apologized to the association board for leaving our trash out (A MAJOR VIOLATION) and thought they would forgive the fee, but I thought wrong.

After receiving this letter I immediately let the negativity creep in. This is money I could use for groceries, bills, gas: how dare they charge us for something so silly.

I went to go pick up my son from school and again felt more negativity from a snarky mom who knows me, but pretends she doesn’t hear me every time I say hello in passing. Yeah, I know I shouldn’t let this bother me, but this day it really did.

My day continued on a downward spiral as I took my two kiddos to the grocery store in the 100 degree heat with negativity filling my mind.

After getting home my toddler had the biggest blow-out since the day she was born and this sleepless toddler mom had just had it. This had turned into a horrible mom day and all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and take the longest nap possible.

However, I made a decision then and there to turn that negativity around for myself and my kids and make it a better day.

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7 Ways to Immediately Improve Horrible Mom Days

It’s okay to have bad mommy days and I’m sure we all have different opinions on what makes for a bad mom day and what doesn’t.

No matter what kind of a horrible day you’re having there are definitely some ways that will help you improve it and maybe even turn it back into a good day!

1. Write About It!

The first thing I’m going to mention is writing about it, which is exactly what I’m doing right now. I’m venting to all of you about my horrible day in motherhood and it feels great to get it all out.

Blogging is a great way to write out your frustration even if you aren’t writing about a bad day. My blog has been a great outlet for me to get rid of negativity and unneeded stress because I love writing on it. Starting a blog is super easy and doesn’t cost very much, I highly recommend blogging as an outlet for stay at home moms!

If you aren’t into blogging don’t worry! Pick up a cute notebook like this or even a cheap spiral notebook will do. Write out all your frustrations or anything at all and I promise your mood will start to improve!

2. Cuddle Your Kids

If you are feeling frustrated and having a bad day try to focus in on what’s so great about being a mother. Focus on your kids and how much they love you. Cuddling with my toddler can make any bad day better!

3. Listen to Music

Put on your favorite music to lift your spirits. Music has gotten me out of several bad days from my high school years to the hardest days of being a mom.

My husband got me a record player that I love to blast when I’m in a bad mood and immediately I feel better.

If you play an instrument that can work too. Playing my guitar has the same mood lifting effect and when I play it makes my kids happy because they can sing along and dance around.

4. Get Out Of The House

Take the kids for a walk outside around your neighborhood or at the park. Go get some ice cream or take a long quiet drive.

Getting out of the house into the sunshine is a great way to get yourself into a different environment and let that negativity fade away.

5. Schedule Some ME Time

Maybe you need some ME time to refresh your mind and spirit. Ask your husband, mom, sister, anyone, to watch the kids for a little while so you can do something for YOU!

Go take a shower, get your nails done, or read a book. Doing something for YOU is sometimes all you need to turn a bad day upside down.

I personally love to catch up on my favorite TV shows during my ME time.

6. Do Something Fun!

Do you have a hobby? Put your energy into sewing, crafting, cooking, even cleaning. Anything to take your mind away from the horrible events of your bad day.

7. Remember How Amazing You Are

Us moms really need to give ourselves more credit. I mean, we should all be receiving gold medals for staying up all night with babies, changing diapers, chauffeuring kids around town, cooking, cleaning, and solving all of life’s problems.

If you are having a horrible mom day please take a moment and remember all you do and how special you are as a mom, wife, sibling, or friend.

At the end of the day there are usually so many more reasons to be happy than down in the dumps. I love it when I can pull myself out of a bad day and make it better. Life is too short to let negativity bring you down!

How often do you have bad mom days? What do you do to pull yourself out of a bad day? I would love to hear from you in the comments below!


View Comments

  • Oh how nice it was to read this. I saw the title of your post and immediately clicked. I already knew most of your tips, but it was so helpful to read them in one place and think on them. Sometimes it's the littlest things that just put me over edge. Something I do is try to make myself to be silly with my toddler. We usually end up in a giggle-fest and how can you laugh and stay in a bad mood? Thank you again for writing it down! You rock!

  • #2 & #4 are my go-to's (though I could probably use a little more #1 & #5)! Also, whenever I'm struggling to get out of a funk, I make my baby laugh. That sound makes everything better! And I end up laughing too!

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