
How to Solve Sleep Regression in Toddlers | Baby Sleep Expectations

Sleep regression in toddlers is common.

It’s a battle that many parents fight and lose every day.

The National Sleep Foundation suggests that toddlers and preschoolers ages 1-4 get 11-14 hours of sleep per day!

Reading statistics like this can be frustrating as a parent of a toddler who never sleeps.

Sleep with a toddler can quickly turn into a roller coaster ride. One day they are sleeping in their beds, the next they are up all night, then they are sneaking into your bed, or requesting for stories and water for hours.

Do toddlers have sleep regression?

Toddlers can go through sleep regressions as they grow and develop.

Remember that your toddler will be teething with several molars coming in during the toddler years. This discomfort can also play a part in sleep regression.

How long does toddler sleep regression last?

Toddler sleep regression can last for weeks. Take some peace of mind in knowing that it won’t last forever.

Once your little one gets over their teething pain or falls back into a routine you will be back on track.

What do I do if my 2 year old has sleep regression?

If your toddler is having sleep regression there are several things you can do as a parent to get them back on track.

  • Speak with your pediatrician– Sometimes your baby is having sleeping trouble do to digestive pain or teething. Make sure to check with your baby’s pediatrician to see if there isn’t anything health related that might be waking your baby at night.

    There may be something your baby’s pediatrician can prescribe to help your baby feel better so they can get more sleep.
  • Join a baby sleep support group– Baby sleep programs are really useful. We’ve used Baby Sleep Site in the past with great results. (Read more below)
  • Be Consistent– Try to stick with a sleep routine even through the sleep regression.

    If you normally have bath time or story time before bed time continue with this.
  • Be Flexible– Remember your toddler is going through lots of growth and changes. You may have to change your routine or adapt to their needs.

    Use an expert resource like Baby Sleep Site to help get you on track.
  • Being willing to change – It can be hard to give up on a sleep routine that has worked for you for so long.

    But, with baby and toddler sleep you have to be willing to change, adapt, and be flexible. Your toddlers routine will change as they grow.

    They may be losing a nap or going to sleep at a different time. A family member’s changing work schedule, family travel, time changes, or holidays may also call for a change in your toddler’s sleep routine.

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How can I get help with 18-month sleep regression and 2 year sleep regression?

There are several places you can look to for support with 18-month old sleep regression, 2 year old sleep regression, and everything in between!

  1. Mom support groups– Most cities have mom support groups. These could be through a local non-profit, preschool, church, government program, or just a support group on Facebook.

    There are pro’s and con’s of mom support groups. On the plus side you have a support system, a group of experienced moms to talk to. They’ve been through the trenches just like you with their babies and are willing and ready to share their advice about what has and hasn’t worked to get their little ones sleeping.

    Watch out for bad advice from well meaning moms. Most of these moms are giving you real life advice without research to back it up. Not to say you can’t get good tips here!
  2. Your Pediatrician– You can always ask your pediatrician for toddler or baby sleep advice. They have some knowledge about the science behind baby and toddler sleep and will be able to rule out any medical issues that might be preventing your toddler from falling asleep.
  3. Baby Sleep Site– A subscription to the baby sleep site comes with toddler sleep books, access to the members area, and sleep advice from professionals.

    The information you get from Baby Sleep Site is invaluable because it they put a lot of time and dedication into researching the best sleep advice for your family and baby.

    You will find information about how to get your baby sleeping in a way that works with your families personal needs. Including methods to get your baby into a sleep routine that doesn’t involve crying it out.

The Baby Sleep Site Membership

If you are still struggling to get some sleep in with your baby or toddler I would highly recommend a membership to The Baby Sleep Site.

It comes with e-books, sleep training strategies, and schedules for every age and situation. There is also a members chat area where you can speak with a baby sleep expert and other parents going through the same thing.

I think the key is finding the method that works for you and your baby. Everyone has different needs and living situations and The Baby Sleep site addresses those for you.

Membership to The Baby Sleep Site starts at $69 per month. They also have a great selection of FREE resources for parents! 

What baby/toddler sleep problems are you having? What resources have helped you and your toddler get more sleep? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments below!


View Comments

  • I used the method from 'how to teach a baby to fall asleep alone' guide by Susan Urban, got it here . It took me 3 days to teach my LO to fall asleep on his own after 7 months of rocking to sleep. This was recommended to me by my sister and cousin and I will recommend it to everybody else as well. Sleep training works and what is more, it makes parents and a baby much happier! I always thought that sleep training is a long process and apparently I was wrong. You just need to do it right!

    • I'm so happy to hear you found something that worked for you! It really can be a struggle. I'm hoping my next baby due in January is a great sleeper! ;)

  • A problem that i am having is my daughter always wants to sleep with mommy and daddy. She don't like sleeping alone in her room

    • Hi Amy! My son likes to try to sleep in bed with us too. I just try to be consistent and keep taking him back to his room. The Baby Sleep Site talks a lot about co-sleeping problems. I recommend checking it out! :)

  • It's always nice to collaborate with other parents to see what tips/tricks work best for them for their kids who can't sleep.

    • Hi Becky! That is very lucky. My son and daughter both had different types of sleeping problems. I'm hoping the next time I have a baby they will be a natural at sleeping. ;)

  • Our problem is she was such a good sleeper and then last week she started waking up crying for no reason several times a night!

  • It would be nice to be able to chat with other people who are going through the same issues with a child that doesn't sleep.

    • Hi Steve! I totally agree, it's nice to have people to talk to who can relate to what you're going through. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  • my 5 yr old wont goto sleep at night he stays up all night sometimes and sleeps during the day every 2 weeks he gets back on scheldule so hard on our 1 yr old who never gets any sleep at night

    • Hi Erica! I can imagine how hard this must be. Our 8 year old has a hard time sleeping sometimes too. I love the tips from The Baby Sleep Site because they talk about all kinds of different life situations. If you can't find your situation you can always chat with the sleep specialist in the members area. :)

  • My little one always fights sleep no matter what we try and I think I could benefit from this!

    • Hi Ashley! I definitely think you could. With my toddler any sleeping tips that helped us were a blessing. We are definitely sleeping better than before with the tips we've learned from The Baby Sleep Site. Sometimes it's hard to be consistent with our plan, but when we stick to it, it works. :)

    • Hi Crystal! I've been there too. We had bedtime battles with my son until he was 4 years old and even still at 8 sometimes it's a struggle. But, it did get a lot better. With our daughter we are trying to get her into better habits before she gets older. The Baby Sleep Site helped a lot with our routine. Sending you lots of encouragement for you and your son! :)

  • We are having problems with not wanting to go to bed and some other ideas that might work would be helpful

    • Hi Lesley! We've had problems with not wanting to go to bed in the past too. Rewards and consistency helped us a lot. There are tools for every bedtime problem and situation in The Baby Sleep Site members area. It goes more into detail about different ways that may help and offers tons of support. I would definitely recommend it to you. :)

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