
This crowd pleasing dessert is super easy to make because there is no baking involved and you can literally throw them together. With Memorial Day, Father’s Day, 4th of July, and other summer events.

You'll need fresh strawberries for this recipe. 1 pound should be enough! I like to stock up at my local farmers market.

You'll also need blueberries for that red, white, and blue patriotic theme of this dessert. You can also find these at the farmers market.

I use mini clear party cups for this recipe as well as shortcake dessert cups that you can find at most supermarkets.

Don't forget to pick up some Cool Whip to layer your trifle with! This is the white for our red, white, and blue dessert.

Layer strawberries, blueberries, whipped cream, and sponge cake one at a time. If your cups are clear pay attention to how it looks on the outside.

You will be finished with beautiful mini trifle desserts you can serve to party guests at any patriotic party.

Shop for party cups and sponge cake at a store that sells in bulk like Sam's Club or Smart & Final to save money! 


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Squiggly Line

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