Hi! I’m Sammy, a neurodivergent (OCD and Anxiety/Depression) SoCal momma of 3 neurodivergent kids! From positive parenting strategies, baby budgeting tips, family travel ideas, to easy dinner recipes you will find it here at Sammy Approves. Our site is full of parenting advice, baby tips, and simple recipes. So I hope you’ll find something helpful for you and your family!
I know a lot of my readers are moms on a budget so I created the free Saving with Sammy Facebook group where I can answer mom questions one on one and share the best money saving deals.
Using my knowledge of working with children (BA in Special Education) and real life experience (raising / homeschooling 3 kids of my own), I love sharing my ideas and positive parenting tips that have worked for me to make your mom life easier!

My 3 kiddos deal with sensory issues, severe OCD, autism, anxiety, and sensory issues between them. So, I know what it’s like to be in the trenches as a mom trying to parent through the unknown. I’ve had those sleepless, stressful nights not knowing if I would be able to figure out how to help my kids navigate their lives and trying to think of ways to solve behavior issues while still keeping my cool.
I started motherhood young marrying my high school sweetheart at 19 and having our first baby before 21. Although we’ve had an amazing life with amazing kids, going through having kids at a young age had it’s struggles. One of those struggles was definitely finances.
These experiences have made me passionate about sharing my journey with other mothers. Whether you are looking for positive parenting tips from a mom who’s been there or budgeting advice for baby I’ve got your back!
I hope you find something here that will make your journey through motherhood less stressful and more positive.
Feel free to browse around, share, comment, and email me with any questions!
Would you like to collaborate on a project? I would love to hear from you! You can contact me HERE or send an email to sammyapproves@gmail.com