9 Quick Ways to Lower Your Household Electricity Bill

This post is sponsored by Best Buy. I have been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All content is my own.

Is your electricity bill CRAZY expensive?

I know the feeling of having to worry about high bills when all you want to have on the brain is holiday shopping!

It’s especially hard when there is nothing you can do to lower those bills and free up more cash for other things.

Luckily there are so many things you CAN do to bring your electricity bill way way down. Putting more money in your pocket for the holidays and other things you may need.

Here are some ways you and your family can cut down that household electricity bill!

9 Quick Ways to Lower Your Household Electricity Bill

1. Lights Out

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but it’s true. Lights use electricity and what better way to save than to turn off the lights when you aren’t home.

I even turn off the lights when I am home sometimes. Right now for example, the lights are off, toddler’s napping, and I have a dark & quiet place to write!

2. Take Advantage of Your Windows

Do you get hot at night? I do! Take advantage of those windows and the cool fall nights. Turn off your a/c and leave your window open. I like to put a fan in my window to maximize our coolness.

3.  Keep Cold Air Out

Make sure your windows and doors are sealed well to keep cold air from seeping in. For a quick fix, roll up a towel and put it under doors that are letting cold outside air in.

4. Unplug What You Aren’t Using

Make a family rule to unplug things you aren’t using. Make sure plugs are easy to get to so you can unplug without a hassle. So many things we use keep sucking energy when they are plugged in, even when they aren’t in use.

5. Outdoor Family Time

Spend more family time outdoors. Plan a family walk or outdoor activity. This is great for family bonding and saving energy at the same time. Don’t forget to unplug and turn off the lights before you go!

6. Close Low Traffic Rooms

Do you have a room or area in your home you don’t use much. Close the a/c vents, turn off, and unplug in that room. Make sure to leave unused rooms shut so your heating and cooling goes to other areas in the house that are being used more.

7. Appropriate Clothing

Instead of turning your heater or a/c way up, why not put on appropriate clothing first. Sometimes putting on a sweater does the trick if I’m feeling cold.

8. Post a Reminder

Post a reminder for your family in a high traffic area so they can remember to turn off lights and unplug in rooms that aren’t being used.

10. Energy Saving Appliances

You can save big on your electricity bill with energy saving appliances. These are things I use every day as a mom. My dishwasher, fridge, oven, washer, and dryer are all great places to start on saving electricity in our home.

If you are looking for energy saving appliances Best Buy is a great place to start. They have a variety of energy saving appliances to save you money on your electricity bill. You’ll want to look for ENERGY STAR products to get the most savings.

Right now there are great deals on ENERGY STAR sound bars and Dryers at Best Buy! Get great audio sound in your home with ENERGY STAR sound bars, which are 50% more efficient than other models.

The ENERGY STAR dryers get me excited with new features like steam cycles while saving you 20% more on energy.

Find rebates on ENERGY STAR appliances at Best Buy here and start saving money in your household today!

Do you have any tips for saving energy at home? I would love to hear from you in the comments below!


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