With the school year about to begin it’s a great time to start thinking about smart goal setting for kids!
Teaching our kids about goal setting really sets the foundation for them to have a successful year.
Even though goal setting is good to help your kids through the school year you can really set goals with them any time during the year.
Getting in the habit of creating goals throughout the year keeps more consistency and helps them
It is so important to start goal planning with kids at a young age.
Use the steps in this post to help your kids create their own goals or create family goals together!
Your kids will have several short term and long term benefits from goal planning including:
Marilyn Price-Mitchell Ph.D. says in her Psychology Today article that being goal oriented is a critical skill for children to learn in order to become resourceful problem solving adults in the future.
If you have small children you will definitely have to help them get started with their goal setting.
Start by thinking about your child and what goals you have in mind for them. Here are some things to think about to get you started.
For kids smart goals should be realistic, simple, and easy to follow.
Your child’s goals should help them achieve something. If their goal is too challenging to achieve they may not want to plan future goals.
So, help them make their goals smart and easy to reach for.
Now that you’ve thought through your child’s strengths, weaknesses, hobbies, etc. you are ready to help them make some smart goals.
Remember that these goals should be realistic and easy to achieve.
Help your kids get started on their goal planning with my free goal planning worksheet and check out some of our favorite goal planning journals below!
Are you goal planning with your family this year? What goals are you working on? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments below!
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