We received complimentary passes to the Museum of Natural Curiosities from Visit Salt Lake to facilitate this review. All content is my own.
We are from Southern California, so the second I stepped inside the Museum of Natural Curiosities in Lehi, Utah I new, this was a stay at home mom’s dream!
I could only imagine having a place like this in the small town where we live. There is no chance we wouldn’t have season passes to this place!
5 Reasons Why Lehi Utah’s Museum of Natural Curiosities is Perfect for Toddlers
Not only did my 9 year old son have a blast here, it was a toddler’s dream world! When it comes to toddler destinations I think this is the best I’ve found so far.
Do you have a toddler or preschooler?
Here are 5 reasons why the Museum of Natural Curiosities is perfect for your little ones:
Toddlers can do no wrong!
Do you ever feel like you are telling your toddler no all day? Don’t get into the dishwasher/laundry. Stay off the exercise bike. At the Museum of Natural Curiosities there are so many ways your toddler can do things just like mom and dad without getting into trouble.
Some of our favorites were the exercise and the laundry room! Our toddler Juliana sure felt like a big girl.
So much to explore
The Museum of Natural Curiosities has 5 huge segments to explore. Inside you will find a water room, geometry room, mini town, and rainforest. Outside there is a huge playground with play equipment, caves, garden maze, pond, and amphitheater.
We loved coloring in the art room located in the mini town. There are so many art projects to do and even places to hang your finished art on the wall.
Don’t miss the rainforest room with a mini playground and shopping center for toddlers. There are also huge climbers for the older kids, that didn’t stop my toddler from climbing it with her dad.
Learning without knowing it
One of the coolest things about this museum is that your kids are learning without even knowing it. I love opportunities for my kids to learn through play and hands on activities. This is the perfect place for that.
So many little details like these doors with different latches. Toddler could play in this room alone for at least an hour. Trying to figure out how to unlock and lock each latch!
The geometry room is full of fun things to look at. You can just see their brains moving as they explore and observe things along the way.
Indoor & Outdoor Play
Something that is so cool about the Curiosity Museum is that there are places for indoor and outdoor play. This must be awesome for moms during the winter and on hot days.
During our visit it was very cold outside. That didn’t stop us from playing in the water inside where it was warm. If your kids love water they will love all the unique water play areas in the Water Works room!
When it got a little warmer outside we explored the outdoor play area. I was amazed at the playground, complete with a zipline for kids. Our toddler loved the garden maze!
Unlimited opportunities to play pretend
Does your little one love to play pretend? So does ours and she loved the veterinarian room where you can x-ray animals. She also got to pretend to be a librarian in the library full of books!
Find out more about the Museum of Natural Curiosities and things to do in and around Salt Lake City Utah!
Have you been to the Museum of Natural Curiosities at Thanksgiving Point? What is your favorite part of the museum to explore? What do you think your toddler would love to see most? I would love to hear from you in the comments below!
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